
Divisions of space

Divisions of space [EXP052]

Now you can listen and download on bandcamp

New EP by Juan Antonio Nieto aka Pangea on Experimedia.
Most of the sounds that form Divisions of Space are part of the conversation that different percussive timbres (metal, plastic, wood) keep each other moving in constant motion the entire theme. The extreme manipulation of these elements transform the clean percussion in something diferent using chambers slowed in dark, unsettling drones and dramatic subwoofer effects. The Division of Space slight underground melodies endow a strange aerial feeling. At the end of the track, the human voice brings us back to earth. BIO: Pangea is the project of avant-garde music of the spanish musician Juan Antonio Nieto. Pangea experiments with harsh sounds, with them he creates rich textures in shades wrapped in hypnotic atmospheres. "The main idea in my music is about the power of evocative sounds outside the usual elements in most of the musical compositions such as the pace or melody, different timbres are to sustain themselves and will be the relationship between them that the dowry of excitement
to work looking at the listener a complicity with the sounds that make up the membership, these sounds harsh, even irritating in themselves, acquire a totally different dimension in combination with each other."


Alchemist Compendium

Alchemist Compendium (Compilation) 2009
Protea records
Blog Protea

Vol II. with my track "Unpredictable!
Erg, Transmissions From the Crypt, Vacio Perfecto,
Traje de Saliva, Erissoma, Eldar, Persona, Tzesne,
Oscuridad Macabra, Nurss, Stillme, Verbum, Ragh,
Scumearth, Pangea, Coagul, Jazznoize, Vrilnoise,
Frenofobia, Uanamani, Anemic Cinema, Mynationshit,
Larva, Tech Nomader, Fraktal Emotions, Dreamspiral.



Placas [amn010]

02-09-Pangea-Lengua_popular –

Produced by Eric Bertrand and Oscar Santis. Masterized by Oscar Santis at Estudio Mental, Punta de Piedra, Chile. Austral Spring 2009


Texture and Granulation

Texture and Granulation

Free download
Electronic Musik Label

New EP by Juan Antonio Nieto aka Pangea on Electronic Musik Label. Texture and Granulation is a EP of dark and introspective ambient work.
Electronic Musik is a d.i.y cdr label specialising in experimental forms of music / soundart. It is based in the UK.

Track list:
1. coal
2. chalk
3. shale



Quadros. FugaDiscos Netlabal No 1



Release year: 2009
Genre: Electronic
Type: MP3 format sound
Quality: 320(CBR) Kbit

1- The end - Cortical Systems
2- 53 - @C
3- Impro70 - Luis Marte
4- Errores necesarios - Pangea
5- Mejorcaradefelizcumple - Automartin
6- Entrecasa - Danel
7- Clast - Lothus
8- Sobrevuelo - Darío Sacco
9- Drone Et ud 01 v01 - Druhb
10- 2000V - §gl¢§
11- Goles - Pablo Reche
12- Industriales - Luis Marte & BTB (remix)

Total time: 1:04:37

Cover art & graphic design: Sonsoles Romero



no-R-mal [JNN050]

Just not Normal Netlabel


Archive.org page

Celebrating the 50th release on JNN Mark Stolk has invited some of the best (netlabel)artists from around the globe to join this massive compilation album.

In total 52 artists joined to create the finest in what is available in experimental music these days. Much of what you hear is unreleased work with the exception of a handful. These tracks have been carefully mastered and put together to present to you a 4 CD epic journey into sound. Together with the artwork the puzzle lies ahead to find out what exactly is ‘normal’.
A tip of the veil; … there is no one answer. What one considers normal another may disagree on with totally different standards.

Or in short; we are all just not normal and we all are!

no R mal!

CD-2 Track list

01 Bogdan Dullsky – KZ Mauthausen Der Schornstein
02 Tim Walters – Termite College
03 Altocumulus – Spring song
04 Mind6Spiral – Angels
05 Pangea – A massive hit
06 D’incise – Bestioles
07 Phillip Wilkerson – An anomalous deviation
08 Gregory Conte – Deep blue
09 Kendall Station – Alto’s breakfast
10 Dzlav – Unstable star 0.25
11 8m2stereo – Mon
12 Susan Matthews – Babies in my dream
13 Djet – NS (instrumental)

CD2 zipfile



Tori no Kaigi [san] TOC094

Tori no Kaigi is a compilation released on famous label Trente oiseaux presenting a selection of contemporary electro-acoustic and improvised music in four parts. The music for Kaigi no Tori was created by fine artists from all over the world. Tori no Kaigi consists of four individuals albums and 44 pages pdf booklet. Artists included, [ichi] Fergus Kelly, Dunlope Highflex, SAP(e) with Bernhard Günter, [ni] Gary Smith, 12 dog cycle, 4 + 1, [san] Pierre Gérard, Steve Roden, Manrico Montero, Juan Antonio Nieto (Pangea), Tarab, [yon] Simon Whetman, Lethe/Kuwayama Kiyoharu, Luigi Turra, Carlos Suárez, Ubeboet.

Tori no Kaigi [san] track list:

1. Pierre Gérard – l'absence 15:41
2. Steve Roden – falling spinning fading 5:19
3. Manrico Montero – Confluences 10:05
4. Pangea – Refraction 11:43
5. Tarab – Untitled 13 9:18

Cover and photo by Bernhard Günter


The best of NTNS radio 2009

A journey of ear-otic pleasure [NNTS07]


The best of Not the Normal Shit Radio april, may, june 2009. 68 tracks, 4 CD's, over five hours of music. Pangea (Juan Antonio Nieto) featured his track obscuros sueños giratorios of the album El abismo inclinado released in Larraskito netlabel



Exposure [ampcdr001]


The first CD-r release of the mexican label A.M.P- RECS with a wonderful artwork by its curator Arturo Ortega.

In Exposure Pangea (Juan Antonio Nieto) create 8 tracks at his best.

Exposure es el primer CD-R editado por el prestigioso netlabel mexicano A.M.P-RECS, que también eligió a Pangea (Juan Antonio Nieto) para su primer lanzamiento individual tras editar un excelente recopilatorio.

Exposure contiene ocho temas cuidadosamente sonorizados y masterizados, que a pesar de sus diferencias funcionan como un todo homogeneo. Los numerosos y sutiles detalles entre lo orgánico y lo digital adquieren un significado distinto a cada nueva escucha, siendo conveniente para su mayor disfrute una audición profunda y relajada.

La portada del disco es un trabajo original de Arturo Ortega, artífice de AMP-records, que para esta ocasión ha creado un diseño ligeramente diferente para cada una de las cien copias, haciendo así de cada uno de los discos un objeto único.

Para conseguir una copia contacta/get a copy en amp-recs@gmail.com
60 $ México
10 $ USA-all the world (gastos postales incluidos)

1. Generación espontánea
2. Horario para las ulceras
3. Tras el dehielo
4. Alta traición
5. Desde la orilla
6. La risa en los huesos
7. Madera y metal
8. Narcótico


El abismo inclinado

El abismo inclinado [larr27]


El abismo inclinado is a selection of free improvisations executed during the summer of 2008, using field recordings manipulated into taking them to the extreme limit of pure abstract noise, using sounds clean and clear and far from the usual distortion of this type of music. All items have been recorded directly to two tracks without edits or overdubs.

I would like to mention a quote of Kim Hiorthoy: The older I get, the more I believe in anarchy and the less I believe in ownwrship. If you want to control something set it free.

Un disco repleto de sonidos muy orgánicos, de alta fisicidad y tendencia a las altas frecuencias, áspero y directo pero con un alto grado de manipulación en sus abundantes fuentes, convirtiendo el origen de estas en irreconocible y acentuado así el carácter abstracto del que quiere dotar a su música Juan Antonio Nieto (Pangea). El resultado funciona de manera dual entre intensidades casi hirientes y una cualidad extrañamente cálida y atmosférica.

1. Los signos de su presencia
2. Caligrafía de invierno
3. Sol de niebla
4. Obscuros sueños giratorios
5. Mis imágenes rotas
6. Parecen cuevas
7. Una verdad solitaria


Nuevo entendimiento de la confusión

Nuevo entendimiento de la confusión [rdm086]







Una muy bella realización, donde se equilibran, con mutuo empuje, la densidad y tensión de ásperos y rudos sonidos, propios de Juan Antonio Nieto (aka Pangea), con el lado más frío y envolvente del arte del dúo madrileño Oikos. Fruto de este encuentro, surge una obra de fuertes razones y una música de los elementos (tierra, agua, aire y fuego), que suena pura y sólidamente a los primeros momentos de la planetaria creación. Las texturas, trabadas con brillantez, no desdeñan, a más de esto, y a pesar de la tenacidad, un arraigado contenido emocional, frente al fuego de la disconformidad, al agua de la vida, al almacén del tiempo y al vapor de las almas desarmadas. Bajo un cielo oscurecido crecen bosques de humo, llamas arrebatadoras e insectos sedientos hostigados por una lluvia helada. Un magma impenetrable de figuras turbadas, encendidas por una honda luz en el corazón, y un suave oleaje dominando un vaivén de ruido y bulliciosa actividad, sobre un manto de sílice, todo, antes de la evolución, son motivos de intensos pigmentos, para siete grandes temas de reflexión.

01 Gavetas desordenadas

02 Todos los océanos huelen a alquitrán

03 La moneda de otra parte

04 Desde un cielo amargo

05 Auroras rezagadas

06 Lo extraviado, extravagante e indescifrado

07 Partidario de retrasar los diluvios necesarios

Libre descarga/free download en Ruidemos

CDr disponible/available en La Caida

diseño gráfico: David San Martín, Almudena Villar y Juan Antonio Nieto



TAO [TN012]

Composers from around the world show their own sound interpretations of Lao Tse's tao te ching. Tao project results have been compiled in this new release of tecnonucleo.

Compositores de todo el mundo muestran su propia interpretación sonora del tao te ching de Lao Tse. Juan Antonio Nieto aka Pangea incluye su tema Life under our feet.

01. Alfonso_Carrasco - nature
02. Ambient Animal - ruidos de sable
03. Anton Mobin - Antre D'eux
04. Clemens Hausch - tao_f_mix5a
05. Criadero En Seres - tin le mur
06. D. Moratilla - Sign
07. David Fonseca - lneas
08. iRa - Fred stares at blank wall
09. Gianmarco Caseli - eroinafluidai
10. ENG - Funeral music for dadaism
11. Isoma Ieep - Bird'n'bass digital
12. IsraelM - Yumiko
13. Jacob Gotlib - Tower of Babel
14. Jazznoize - Audiotone
15. Jorge Ramirez - SPDVL
16. Marc Levinthal - Stuffed Audience
17. nanako - not for sale
18. noish - taociberPunk
19. Pangea - Life under our feets
20. scmute - TA2
21. Terje Paulsen - flyswansong
22. vegetal is - Wu Wei
23. Vertex Germ - Psylocybe
24. vehscle - Because They Ask So Little of Life
25. NAD - ZrumDITH
26. Yannick Franck - coeur creole
27. Yuki Aida - north28.

cover design by scmute
photo on cover by helena


Sinapsis 0.1

Sinapsis 0.1

Click here to download

We are glad to present “Sinapsis” the first compilation on Draining Beats on the Brain. An innovative solution for brain treatment using ultrasonic sounds. New artists and collaborations, experimenting with digital sounds, noise, improvisation and voices.

1. Began - Turner Moods
2. # 4 - Zanstones, Markus Breuss and Tsukiko Amakawa
3. High C dirty picture - Dirty Mousta_h
4. Lost on the road - DAFX
5. Severes discipline - R4
6. Detuned protophasis - Ayankoko!!!
7. Dripinng - Pangea
8. Igloo - Xave...the whales!!!
9. Nubes de Gavagai - En busca del pasto (AraguaneyLeaf remix)
10. Miedo - Deformister
11. Sunshine Reverse - AraguaneyLeaf
12. O fim do mundo - Aglezca

License: C. Commons & CopyLeft
Produced by Another Brothers
Compilation between January and February 2009.
Artwok by A.L.


Abrasive Soul

Abrasive soul [ca220 ]

clinical archives
pangea myspace

Abrasive Soul is an album consists of two long themes of abstract music, full of harsh sounds, broken structures and subliminal drones, trated in a manner decidedly narcotic.
Second release in the russian netlabel Cinical Archives, the first one Metal Machine Muzak [ca27] out in 2007. Clinical Archives is an independent netlabel for illogical music. All those works are releases for free under Creative Commons Licences.

Abrasive soul es el segundo disco de Pangea para la compañía rusa Clinical Archives, dos temas de música abstracta decididamente narcótica.

1. Trash 10'01''
2. Florescence 20'37''


Vital Error

Vital error. Juan Antonio Nieto aka Pangea feat Kenji Siratori [xs46]

XS records
kenji siratori

A principios 2007 el escritor y artista multimedia Kenji Siratori solicitó colaboraciones con diferentes músicos de todo el mundo, entre ellos a Juan Antonio Nieto (Pangea). Se trataba de que dichos músicos usaran sus palabras y su voz para que, transformándola, se convirtiera en un instrumento más en la composición.

Cuando recibí los 6 ficheros con su voz me pareció que era lo suficientemente intensa para usarla sin apenas modificaciones. En “Vital error” la música, la voz y la palabra se complementan sin anularse entre si, el ambiente general creado en este álbum es denso, oscuro e inquietante. La particular entonación del idioma japonés ofrece un punto adicional de belleza y misterio.

XS Records [Portuguese Netlabel] es un sello ubicado en Braga y dirigido por el músico Tiago Morgado (Necrostilet, uncle bart comes to have breakfast), creado a principios de 2008 par promocionar la música de su cabeza visible y crear un circuito de creación, promoción y distribución de música gratuita en la red con el apoyo de Creative Commons.

In the begining 2007 the writer and multimedia artist Kenji Siratori requested collaborations with different musicians from around the world, including Pangea (Juan Antonio Nieto). Was about that these musicians use his words and his voice to, processed, become an instrument in the composition.

When I received the 6 files, I thought his voice was intense enough to use with little modification. In "Vital error" music, voice and words complement each other without annulled, the general atmosphere created in this album is dense, dark and disturbing. The particular intonation Japanese language offers an additional point of beauty and mystery.

XS Records [Portuguese Netlabel] is a netlabel based in Braga, and headed by the musician Tiago Morgado (Necrostilet, uncle bart comes to have breakfas) it was started in the early 2008, and it was a long time idea with the intuit to promote the head own’s work and creating a circuit for creating, promotion and distribution of free music online, with support on creative commons lecenses.

Track list:

  1. Antivital
  2. Vital error
  3. Dark side
  4. Orbit
  5. Transfiguration
  6. Corpse city


Mandorla Autumn Net-Project vol.3/part 2

Mandorla Autumn Net-Project Vol. III/Part 2 [015]


Mandorla returns this January 2009 with the third volume of the Triple Autumn Compilation. The second part 015 is focused on field recordings, soundscape composition, digi and elecro Acoustics and drones.
Nuevo triple recopilatorio de la compañía mejicana Mandorla, dentro de la serie Autumn, en el volumen 3, parte 2, Juan Antonio Nieto aka Pangea participa con su tema Orinoco.

Compiled by Manrico Montero Calzadíaz / October - November 2008

Layout by Dyan Pritamo

Photo by Leslie San Vicente

1) Pali Meursault- Quiet Evening

2) Juan José Calarco & Adrian Juárez- Porción Interior

3) Luigi Turra- T-Kin

4) Xesús Valle- Autumn 123

5) Manrico Montero- Kalimba Train

6) Edwin Lo- Auditory Scenes Lei Yue Mun

7) David Vélez- El Ultimo Día de Verano ya es Otoño

8) Hiroki Sasajima- Deep Wall

9) Nanako-020-1.008

10) Yann Novak- Autumn (Extended)

11) Terje Paulsen- Slope of a Naked Rock

12) Shinya Ishimura- Shisen

13) Pangea- Orinoco

14) Loobeo- Brote

15) Iván Naranjo- Summer Song

16) Denizen- HÃ_rb

17) Isaac de la Concha- Hojas y Viento de Otoño

18) Juanjosé Rivas- Haze

19) Mario de Vega- Snd