
El poder evocador de los sonidos en la obra de Juan Antonio Nieto. Revista Procedimentum


Imponente dosier en homenaje a Juan Antonio Nieto en la Revista digital de arte postal Procedimentum. Un exhaustivo repaso a la obra de Juan Antonio y un montón de aportaciones de artistas de todo el mundo. Muchas gracias a Pedro Pablo Gallardo, editor de la revista, y a todos los artistas participantes.

Participantes por invitación:
Artistas Plásticos.
Alemania: Jürgen O. Olbrich. Argentina: Claudia García / Raquel Gociol / Samuel Montalvetti. Brasil: Hugo Pontes. España: Almudena Villar Calvo / Ferran Destemple / José Luis Campal / Lois Gil Magariños / María José Bellido Jiménez / Pablo Gallardo Bellido / Pedro Pablo Gallardo Montero / Rafael Jurado Córdoba / Sabela Baña / Valdor. EE.UU.: John M. Bennett / Rosalie Gancie. Italia: Ángela Caporaso / Anna Boschi Cermasi / Cinzia Farina / Daniele Virgilio / Marco Bevilacqua / Pasquale Proia / Ruggero Maggi. Portugal: Vanessa Bastos. Reino Unido: Lola González. Rusia: Alexander Limarev.
Archivos Sonoros.
Argentina: Claudio Satuchne / Fernando Laub. España: Alba Morín / David Ramos / Edith Alonso / Ferran Destemple / Francisco Fernández aka microPlex / Gregorio Kazaroff / Javier G. Entonado a.k.a. Arín Dodó / Javier Piñango / José María Pastor / Josep María Soler. STAHLFABRIK / Luis González / Luis Ignacio Marín García / María José Bellido / Pablo Casares / Pedro Bericat / Pedro Pablo Gallardo / Susana López aka Susan Drone / Tomás Flórez. Italia: Daniele Virgilio. Rusia: AITHOC / Víctor Sapronov.
Argentina: Maya López Muro. España: Fausto Grossi. Grecia: Chris Silver T. / Nick Petavrides. Italia: Pasquale Proia. México: Daniela Galván.
Argentina: Laura Focarazzo. España: Mauri Ibañez.

Podéis escuchar y ver los temas y vídeos aquí : Artistas Sonoros y Videoarte




Artistas participantes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️:
Orquestracions Dissonants Internas (O.D.I.) Cesc Fortuny
Gyakusatsu Marbre Negre
Antic Forn de Vallcarca (carrer de Cambrils, 10, Barcelona)
Día: 7 de mayo
18 horas.
Entrada gratuita
Es preciso reservar entrada en ecosbcn@gmail.com
Será retransmitido por Tesla FM


VVAA: A Sonorous Spirit. A Tribute to Juan Antonio Nieto

Various Artists- A Sonorous Spirit (A Tribute To Juan Antonio Nieto) [treetrunk 742]

A Tribute to Juan Antonio Nieto who passed away last february 27th.
A Sonorous Spirit is a really great compilation of experimental and drone music Thanks Thomas Jackson Park and Tree Truck label 

Ya se puede escuchar y descargar el álbum Tributo a Juan Antonio Nieto que falleció el pasado 27 de febrero en Madrid. El disco titulado "A Sonorous Spirit" ha salido en el sello estadounidense Tree Truck dirigido por Thomas Jackson Park y contiene 43 maravillosos temas de música experimental de grandes artistas de todo el mundo. Mil gracias a todos los músicos que han participado.

"I want to thank all the participants in this compilation in tribute to Juan Antonio Nieto, for your contribution(s). He was a tireless, very prolific and unclassifiable musician. He was always making music, listening to music, recording sounds and even dreaming music. There is no better way to remind him than with MUSIC. Thank you all." -- Almudena (Latimeria) Juan Antonio's wife, 2022

"When I heard that the artist 'Nieto' had passed away, I felt that something significant had happened in the music world, but I was not aware of its magnitude. Taking some time to listen to Juan Nieto's music, I was increasingly impressed with his imaginative and technical abilities. I felt that he had created a feasible sonic language communicating quite well the human condition, and in very dreamy and evocative ways. I was further impressed with the outpouring of contributions to the tribute, and with the many sentiments shared concerning Juan, revealing his role as a sort of guru of the unconscious mind-- a mystic who spoke through dreams. I am glad to have curated this tribute collection, and very thankful to all involved, including especially Latimeria Nieto and Shane Morris.' -- Thomas Park, 2022

1. Zanstones- "Pangeastones"

2. Wilfried Hanrath - "Pianos, Bicycles and a glass of wine"

3. Victor Sequi- "Usera Song"

4.Terje_Paulsen- "one buddha loop for juan antonio"

5. Terbeschikkingstelling- "Time Wipes a Swift End"

6. Stefan Schmidt- "Elegía"

7. Shane Morris- "In On The Outside"

8. Antoni Robert Gadea- "Sounds For Pangea"

9. Remaining Life- "El Pájaro Nocturno No Volverá A Agitar La Luna... Nunca Más"

10. Philippe Petit - "Más allá de la tumba (por Juan Antonio Nieto)"

11. Pete Swinton "Threnody For Juan"

12. Pablo Reche- "sonidos para JAN"

13. ODI- "Self-fulfilling Prophecy"

14. Nacho Román- "Microescucha para Pangea"

15. Miquel Parera- "Hyperlife-2-0-2022-03-10-17-53-21"

16. miguel a garcia & enrique garoz de diego-eraduant- "for juan_antonio nieto"

17. Mean Flow- "Inspiration Test"

18. Martijn Comes- "Hacia la luz"

19. Marco Ferrazza- "Matter of The Case"

20. Lezet- "Continents In Love"

21. KLUST- "Phase Six"

22. José Guillén- "Con Respeto para Juan Antonio Nieto"

23.Jonas Ruchenhever- "Hidden But Still There (Lament For Juan Antonio)"

24. Jaime Munarriz- "Remnant's Layers"

25. Instinct Primal- "Time is a fundamental dimension"

26. Ian Linter- "Pangaea b"

27. Helecho Experimentar-"Sobre La Tierra"

28. Heidrun Schramm And Nicolas Wiese- "March-08-2022"

29. Hashigakari- "Aire Mital (excerpt)"

30. Fernando Carvalho- "Cien"

31. Erizonte- "Latimerias, termitas erizontes"

32. EL ZOMBIE ESPACIAL- "Nieto de Noche"

33. elaticodelossuenhos- "TENSIONwav"

34. Eisenlager- "Juan is waiting for us in space"

35. EclectikTronik- "SuperLife II"

36. DJ_Iterate "Sound Is All Around Us"

37. Deborah Fialkiewicz- "Mothtail"

38. Corazón Bicéfalo- "POESIA SECRETA"

39. Christopher Alvarado- "Beneath Textures"

40. Ayato- "Tribute To Ian"

41. Antoni Robert Gadea- "Sounds For Pangea"

42. Antonella Eye Porcelluzzi- "voice for a sumerian text"

43. Abner Malaty- "Exchanging Realms"